גיטין – Gittin

Gittin ~ On Divorce, Then and Now

Divorce rates and religious commitment.

Gittin 2a ~ A Very Determined Envoy

The rabbi who sailed to Australia to deliver a get.

Gittin 19a ~ Mishnaic Inks

Scientists analyze the ink on one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, with surprising results.

Gittin 28a ~ Longevity I: How Long Do We Live?

Life expectancy in the talmudic era.

Gittin 30b ~ Longevity II: Death and Wealth

Is a person is more likely to die than become wealthy?

Gittin 39a ~ Rabbi Meir on Maximizing Meaning

The hermeneutic Principle of Charity.

Gittin 49b ~ Who Wants to Marry More?

“More than a man desires to wed, a woman desires to be wed." Nope.

Gittin 52a ~Why Do We Dream?

Deprive a lab rat of the ability to dream, and it will die. And what Rebbi Meir thought.

Gittin 60a ~ Queen Helena and Her Gift to the Temple

Why she converted to Judaism and dedicated a plaque in the Temple.

Gittin 67b~ Might Talmudic Medicines Really Work?

For a cough, eat balsam mixed with dog excrement. But sometimes ancient remedies work.

Gittin 71~ The Relationship between Hearing and Intelligence

Changing rabbinic rulings and the deaf.

Gittin 89a ~ Breastfeeding in Public

Rabbi Meir declared it immodest. How times have changed.